350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
On the spectrum of modes in a circular dielectric waveguide with a longitudinally conducting resistive film on the surface
S.V. Ivanov, A.V. Nazarov
The edge problem for a circular dielectric waveguide with the thin longitudinal resistive strips on the surface is solved. The strips have close contact to each other, but do not have galvanic contact, therefore an electric current can flow on the surface of a dielectric rod in longitudinal direction only. The model of anisotropic conducting cylinder and the method of surface current are used for the solution of the problem of electromagnetic waves propagation along the guiding structure. The algorithm of composition of a dispersion equation is described, the dispersion characteristics of some azimuthally symmetric and azimuthally asymmetric waves are presented. The case of the ideal conducting film is considered. It is shown that the longitudinally conducting resistive film applied to the surface of the circular open dielectric waveguide fundamentally changes the spectrum of modes of the last, moreover it has a different effect on the properties of waves of different types. These features allow to use the circular dielectric waveguide with a longitudinally conducting resistive film on the surface as the basic structure for the construction of such functional devices of SHF and EHF ranges as filters of ghost modes and attenuators.
Pages: 24-29
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