350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Methods and results of the calculation of the field of the radiation flat spiral antenna at impulsive excitation
A.A. Volkov, M.F. Volobuev, A.M. Malcev
Increased in recently attention to questions of the radiation by pulsed electromagnetic fields is caused by need of the decision of the row of the applied problems the most important from which are a problems relationship and radiolocation with broad passband, as well as functional defeat of radioelectronics. Spiral antenna, having broad passband, are one of the main types of the antennas at decision of the problems of such sort. In the known literature are absent the methods, allowing calculate the temporary dependencies by flap of the flat spiral antennas in given watch point. Such methods need, for instance, for decision of the problems of the functional defeat, where required know peak importance and duration of the pulse to tension of the electric field in point of the location struck electronic facility. The Purpose of the work consists in development of the methods of the calculation space-time dependency to tension of the electric field flat spiral antenna with two branches in far-field of the radiation under her pulsed excitation. For decision of the problem branch to spirals introduced in the manner of unceasing collections elementary radiators, but tension of the electric field antenna paid as vector amount of the tension, created by each radiators with provision for way of excitation antenna. At calculation space-temporary sharing the current on branch of the spirals is accepted model antenna in the manner of lines of the transmission. On designed methods are organized calculations of the temporary dependencies component to tension of the field for given parameter antenna and agitating pulse, as well as coordinates watchpoint. As a result structure of the temporary dependencies component field antenna is determined in far-field of the radiation and is evaluated their duration. It is installed that amplitude-temporary features of the formed field hang from direction on watchpoint. The article contains 6 illustrations, reference index from the 7 sources.
Pages: 18-23
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