350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Dual-Frequncy Miniaturized Antenna for L-Band
S. V. Ballandovich, G. A. Kostikov, F. I. Nagaev, M. I. Sugak
The results of electrodynamics simulation, optimization, design and experimental study of a miniature dual-frequency L-band antenna are presented. Antenna prototype is manufactured in a single process with elements of the feeder and receiving channel on a substrate of FR-4. Particular attention is paid to maximize the efficiency due to resistive losses in the substrate. The recommendations concerning the choice of the radiator geometry to optimize VSWR in the required frequency bands, the efficiency and shape the radiation pattern are produced. The dependences of the gain and far field patterns in major sections are obtained. The maximum GAIN is - 1 dB.
Pages: 61-64
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