350 rub
Journal Antennas №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Electrodynamic simulation of the - Thin wire - complex-shaped body - system in view of ohmic losses
T. V. Mitrofanova
The present article describes the method of electrodynamic simulation of a thin wire antenna attached to perfectly conductive complex-shaped body. The method is based on creation of wire-grid model of a complex-shaped body with the subsequent presentation of the wire and structure as a system of mutually crossing rectilinear vibrators. Electrodynamic simulation of the obtained system of auxiliary vibrators is performed by the numerical solution of Poclington-s integral equations in thin-wire approximation. The Galerkin-s method with the use of piecewise sine basis is chosen as the optimal method in terms of regularization, high speed, minimization of computer memory capacity, etc. Symmetry of the mutual impedance matrix of the linear algebraic equation system of a current task is provided by the choice of equality of radiuses of all wires of the body wire-grid model to the radius of the thin wire. The model with a remote point of feed is used for reasonable reduction of a number of wires simulating the body in case of a small wire radius. The delta-generator connected between the point of feed taken some distance out of the body and the antenna wire top is chosen as a voltage source. The thin wire ohmic losses have been taken into account by adding of analytically calculated amendments to coefficients of mutual impedance matrix for auxiliary vibrators with common shoulders. The algorithm of the task decision is evaluated by the example of the transmitting airborne wire VLF antenna. The appropriate choice of parameters of the airborne model provides good agreement of results of the input antenna impedance calculation by means of the proposed method with the data of the impedance measured in the flight.
Pages: 43-47
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