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Journal Antennas №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Methods and Accounting Results of Radiation Field of Biconic Antenna at Impulsive Excitation
A. A. Volkov
Attention to questions of radiation of electromagnetic fields ultra short durations induced by necessity of decisions series topical task of applied character, paramount from which are missions of communication and a radiolocation as well as functional defeat of radioelectronics. Biconic antennas, worth known property of ultrabandwidth are the one from perspective kinds of radiators of ultra short impulses. Currently calculated models, establishing interconnection between geometrical parameters of biconic antennas, requested characteristics of radiated electromagnetic field and parameters of entrant on to antenna entrance of excitation pulse are absent. Work purpose consists in the pipeline of calculation methods of spatiotemporal dependence electric intensity of biconic antenna in a long-distance radiation zone at it impulsive excitation. For a task decision was selected model of conical antenna radiators in the nature of continual summation of vibrators uniformly dispensed under conical surfaces. Field intensity of conical radiator calculated like the limit of vector sums of vibrators field intensity, residing in the visible from the point of observation sector, at aspirations of vibrator numbers to endlessness. The biconic antenna field was determined as sum of conical radiator fields. Over the developed methods were conducted computations of electric intensity for constrained parameters of antenna and excitation pulse. Over the computation results established, what field amplitude-time features depend from the duration of excitation pulse and direction on to watchpoint. Also was established dependence of directional antenna attributes from the duration of excitation pulse.
Pages: 38-42
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