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Journal Antennas №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
TEM-Horn Antenna Modeling with Help of Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
A. M. Bobreshov, I. I. Mescheriacov, G. K. Uskov, E. A. Rudnev
In article the TEM-horn antenna model is offered. This model is received with the help of a finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD). Time domain methods of electromagnetic modeling allow to receive characteristics of researched object in a wide range of fre-quencies for one calculation, and also to estimate the form of a signal in time domain. As a test task for check of accuracy of model of the antenna calculation of voltage standing wave ratio on an input of the antenna in a range 0,5 - 3 GHz is carried out. The received characteristic is compared with experimentally measured with the help of device Agilent 8714ET characteristic. It is marked, that the settlement curve in a range from 1 up to 2,7 GHz is rather close to experimental. Separate divergences of experimental and settlement characteristics can be explained by proximity of the constructed model. The further specifications of model will allow to expect more precisely similar characteristics, and use of such additions FDTD as a near field to far field transformation, will allow to estimate the form of the radiated ultra-short pulse on the big distances from the antenna. Article contains 6 figures and 11 bibliographic sources of the information.
Pages: 34-37
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