350 rub
Journal Antennas №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Quasioptimal Method of Wideband Signals Processing Under the Conditions of Radio Interference
D. D. Gabrielyan, A. N. Novikov
The main complexity of spatial wideband signals processing under the conditions of radio interference consists in provision of necessary frequency dependence of vector of weighting coefficients over all frequency range of useful signal processing. This frequency dependence determines the chosen criterion of effectiveness of spatial processing. Such criterion is connected in this article with minimization of mean square deviation of reduced spectrum in the presence of radio interference taking into the consideration the reference to the spectrum signal in frequency band. For realizing this method the frequency band occupied by wideband signal is divided into frequency spacings within which the signals may be regarded as narrow-band ones. This allows us to determine the optimal frequency weighting coefficients dependence in accordance with the chosen criterion. Using the founded frequency dependence by means of its approximation by step function the method of quasioptimal spatial wideband signals processing under the conditions of radio interference is proposed. As an example of illustrating our theory the article shows spatial chirp signal processing in presence of radio interference of different power with spectrum close to that of the useful signal directed to the first side lobes. The presented results of the carried out investigations allows us to set the interrelation between the number of frequency spacing and signals processing quality.
Pages: 26-29
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