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Journal Antennas №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Space-Time and Space-Frequency Characteristics of the Radiators Suitable for Ultra-Wideband Signals
V. S. Temchenko
On the basis of a successive integration method of a volumedistribution of magnetic and electric currents in the space-time domain vector effective height (VEH) and the vector transfer characteristic (VTC) of emitters inthe near-field region and the far-field regionhas been defined. The features of the presented method-sapplicationfor definition of the specified characteristics of aperture emittershave been considered. On the basis of a knowngeneralizeddensity of anequivalent surface current, VEH of flat aperture emitters has beendefined. The results of the numerical modeling of the VEH of the antenna with round and squareaperturehave been presented.Comparison of the results of modeling for the emitters received for distributions of a current in the form of Gaussian functions and its approximation by bivariate basic functions has been spent.The presented approach can be used for definition of VEH of aperture antennas of any form, and also antenna arrays with anarbitrary distribution of excitation current and any placing of emitters. Taking into account the weak interference between emittersVIR of a flat antenna arrayhas beendefined. Depending on a number, arrangement, distance between, directions of radiation and distribution of an equivalent surface current of emitters, VEH has been defined. The form of the impulse radiated by the antenna has been defined. In the article the features of modeling of a radiated field of a T-horn antenna in the time domain and spatial frequency domain have been considered. The results of modeling of the form of the impulse radiated by a T-horn antenna, for the distance corresponding near-field region and far-field region have been presented. The modeling of characteristics of antenna radiation on the basis of repre-sentation of fields in plane E and H waves, and also on the basis of FDTD method with use of the program of electrodynamics modeling CST MICROWAVE STUDIO 2006 has been spent. In the conclusion it has been noticed that knowledge of VEH and VTC of a transceiver T-horn CDD (charge density distribution) antenna, is necessary for the effective decision of problems of diagnostics subsurface mediums and the objects probed by ultra wide band signals.
Pages: 24-34
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