350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Directivity and Gain of Luneberg-s Lens
B. A. Panchenko, Е. V. Lebedeva, E. A. Ekimovsky
At designing and definition of the directed properties of the aerial in addition to focusing properties of Luneberg-s lens (LL) it is necessary to consider a number of technical circumstances: efficiency of use of a radiation pattern of primer source taking into account curvature of a focusing lens; the account of ohmic losses in a body of the lens consisting of a number of dielectric layers; at last, the account of decrease in efficiency of primer source because of hit a part of capacity of the primary aerial in a feed link at the expense of reflexion from a lens surface. The account of efficiency of irradiation LL depends on primer source radiation pattern. The single vibrator has small efficiency, Huygens element and the vibrator with a reflector can be used as primer sources LL. Charts of dependence of directivity from the sizes LL for two types of primer sources are resulted at six-layer approximation of a body of a lens, and also results of numerical calculations of a gain for three sizes of a lens and two values of a corner of losses in a material of a lens layers.
Pages: 67-69
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