350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Designing Features of Broadband Microstrip Antennas
E. A. Shorokhova, S. V. Katin, A. V. Mozharovsky
Microstrip antennas (МSА), having the great variety of schemes of excitation and ability to radiate energy with linear, circular and elliptic polarization, possess the minimum overall dimensions, excellent repeatability, low cost and relative simplicity of manufacturing. One of problems of wide use of microstrip antennas for radio communication and radiolocation systems is connected with the antenna matching only in the narrowest band of frequencies while engineering of microwave antennas with the broadened bandwidth is today an actual scientific and technical problem. The further development of airborne devices of different application depends on the successful decision of this problem. Therefore designing and engineering of microstrip antennas with the broadened bandwidth, to that the given paper is devoted, is today actual and practically significant problem. In the paper the review of analytical methods of calculation of radiating characteristics of microstrip antennas is given, and also the various packages of imitating modeling based on numerical methods are considered. Using the package CST Microwave Studio in this paper the results of modelling of MSA with a square U-formed radiator are summarized. Radiating characteristics of such antenna are analyzed, including S11-parameter, Volpert-Smith diagram, antenna pattern, antenna gain. At retention of the general antenna design possibility of broadening of bandwidth at the expense of change of its geometrical and electric parameters is studied. It is shown, that, changing a material of a substrate and its thickness, it is possible to increase bandwidth of МSА more than in 3 times.
Pages: 53-61
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