350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features of Change on Bearing Characteristics Monopulse System at Influence of the Drive Noise
A.V. Lenshin, V.P. Sidorchuk
Formation of the drive noise, promotes creation of two effects: misinformations promoting to acceptance of incorrect decisions and overloads of a subsystem of processing of the information. The monopulse system with the totally-difference handling, capable to counteract noise protecting hindrances and imitating hindrances withdrawing on speed and range is investigated. Dependences for total and difference a signal are resulted at totally-difference processing on an input total and difference channels and expression for calculation bearing characteristics. Process of formation of the drive noise is described. Dependence of phase change on time for one period is resulted. Expression for calculation bearing the characteristics is written down and results of mathematical modeling in the form of constructed bearing the characteristics of phase totally-difference measuring instruments angular to-ordinates taking into account normal operation of monopulse system are resulted and at influence on it of the drive noise. The article includes 4 drawings and references to 6 sources of information.
Pages: 72-75
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