350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Electric Drives of Logical Control System of Sub-Reflector of Space Radio Telescope
A. E. Gorodetsky, V. G. Kurbanov, I. L. Tarasova, A. Yu. Kuchmin
This article observes dynamics of behavior of sub-reflector design model and gives recommendations on choosing of motors for sub-reflector motion with regard for peculiarities of their operation in space environment: the structure of control system of the position of space telescope "Millimetron" sub-reflector may be similar to the structure of the patented system of control of periscope mirror of telescope PT-70; for precise positioning of sub-reflector it is reasonable to install sub-reflector on hexapod; there is a good reason to employ piezoelectric motors as motors which adjust position of sub-reflector through a small range; linear inductor direct current motors are better for using as motors which adjust position of sub-reflector through a big range; it is possible to use linear electric motor models for selection of optimal regulators parameters of sub-reflector electric drives. Observations of the dynamics of models of the construction of radio telescope "Millimetron" sub-reflector showed that absolute values of oscillation amplitude can double fixed values (up to 1 mkm by spasmodic force application of 100N), which is inappropriate and requires smoothing of impacts on sub-reflector from electric drive by means of relevant adjustment of regulators. Also, this article provides linear mathematical models of piezoelectric motor and inductor linear direct current electric motor suitable for calculation of major parameters of control system.
Pages: 52-55
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