350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Time-domain Measurement of Ultra-Wideband Antenna Characteristics for Ground Penetrating Radar Applications
D. V. Bagno, A. Yu. Grinev, V. S. Temchenko
The two types of antennas are discussed which are promising for the surface penetrating radar applications: T-horn and Vivaldi radiator. We discuss several electric field sensors which are specially designed for time-domain measurement а resistively loaded TEM horn. Results of numerical simulation and experimental investigations are presented. FDTD method-based software was used for the simulation. Antennas' parameters (including reflectance function, waveform transformation, antenna peak pattern, vector pulse characteristics and complex transfer function) were obtained by use of specialized ultra-wideband setup in time domain. This paper discussed various sensors (еlectric and magnetic) commonly used for time domain antenna measurements. The sensors discussed here were passive and analog devices which convert the electromagnetic quantity of interest to a voltage or current at their terminal ports. Moreover they were primary standards in the sense that their transfer functions can be calculated from their geometries and are flat (constant) across a wide frequency range. One of the major requirements for these sensors and radiators is that the electromagnetic far field, transmitted or received, is a replica or high fidelity derivative of the original pulse.
Pages: 6-14
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