350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Investigation and Elimination of Mutual Coupling Effect in Antenna Arrays of Vibrators for Determination of Angles of Arrival of Plane Waves
S. A. Fedorov, A. G. Bronin, N. R. Markova
The article includes 2 drawings, references to 17 sources of information. The article considers distortions of gain-phase distributions for short-wave circular antenna arrays, caused by interaction of elements. The distortions are maximal for resonant domain where the length of vibrators is approximately equal to half a wavelength and decrease when the length of vibrators is much less than a wavelength (with simultaneous reduction of effective length of an aerial). Elevation angles were determined using WSF super resolution algorithm. Interaction of elements of a circular antenna array for the case of a single-ray field leads to considerable errors in determination of direction of arrival of radio-waves, and for the case of a multi-ray field determination of elevation angles is not possible due to mutual influence of elements. The new approach to eliminate the effect of mutual coupling of elements in an antenna array is suggested. The applicability of this method is tested on experimental data.
Pages: 3-10
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