350 rub
Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Design Experience and Results of Research of Size-Limited Superwide-Band Antenna Elements for a Hypersensitive Mobile Direction Finder
A. V. Vassenkov, O. B. Guzenko, V. A. Izyumov, A. N. Razhev, S. I. Svekolnikov
The article deals with engineering and experimental results of prototypes of superwide-band antenna elements designed for antenna arrays of hypersensitivity mobile direction finders. Results of comparison of the antenna element designed by «NPP «TECHNOS-RM» Co Ltd. with similar elements of other manufactures are presented. It is shown that the application of an introduced nonsymmetrical TEM horn, which provides the value of frequency overlap ratio of more than 100, allows for significant decrease of the antenna element size along with simultaneous increase of HF sensitivity. The conducted numerical analysis testifies that minimal size of a biconical antenna, which provides superwide-band -10 bB level matching on a band from 220 MHz, will be about 900 mm, and a circular antenna array diameter will be more than 1800 mm. Whereas the application of the TEM horn allows for decrease by half of the antenna element size, up to 390 mm, and approximate diameter of the antenna array of 780 mm.
Pages: 61-68
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