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Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Feeding Efficiency Factor of the Antenna of Vivaldi Raised by a Gaussian Impulse
G. A. Kostikov, A. Y. Odintsov, M. I. Sugak
The results of theoretical and experimental investigation of antenna Vivaldi excited by a gaussian impulse are presented. Transient dependences of the impulse signals in the feeder line are obtained. The efficiency factor for various radiator shape, length and duration of the excitation pulse are investigated. Influence of the feeder line impedance on efficiency factor is analized.
The quantitative estimation of efficiency of a feeding feeder is expedient for basing on calculation of the energy allocated in loading (antenna) and energy, brought to a line . In turn the energy allocated in loading, is equal to a difference of the energy of the impulses brought and reflected from loading
where ? an impulse brought on a feeding line; - an impulse reflected in a feeding line. In that specific case a harmonious exciting signal expression coincides with habitual definition of EF of feeding system (the relation allocated in loading and brought capacities).
In work influence on feeding EF of wave resistance of a bringing line, electric length of the antenna, the form slot-hole and peripheral areas was investigated. The radiators executed in exclusive (one shoulder over a spending plane) and symmetric variants, it was investigated numerically by a method of final integration in time area and experimentally. For registration of the reflected signal the vector measuring instrument of complex resistance Agilent N5230 PNA-L with an option was used, allowing to observe the reflected signal directly in time area.
The feeding EF has a maximum which is caused by existence of optimum wave resistance of a feeding line for the set geometry of a radiator. Radiators with small values of parameter of curvature are less sensitive to resistance of a line and at identical values of EF demand higher resistance. The relation of height of a radiator to its length in an interval 0,351 almost doesn't render influence on behavior of a curve of optimum resistance of a line. For a small order 0,1-0,2 value of resistance is close to 150 Ohm, at increase 1 it decreases to value to 30 Ohm. Having used the curves resulted in work, it is possible to choose the resistance of the line providing the maximum feeding EF taking into account set geometry of a radiator: parities of the parties and the law of change of width of a crack. The resulted dependences allow to maximize feeding EF of a radiator of Vivaldi by a choice of geometry for the set wave resistance of a line or operatively to estimate efficiency of the coordination with a feeder for the chosen geometry of the antenna. It is established that at an optimum choice of geometry of the antenna and wave resistance of a feeding line of value of feeding EF for various forms aperture in a wide interval of change of duration of an exciting signal practically coincide. The expediency of increase in the relation for increase of feeding EF at use of exciting signals of the big duration is revealed. It is confirmed experimentally on a number of designs of the antenna of Vivaldi, essentially different by excitation knot. The weakest character of influence of peripheral areas of metallization of the antenna of Vivaldi on feeding EF is established, up to its degeneration in the V-type antenna. The majority of settlement dependences is confirmed by experiment.
Pages: 52-60
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