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Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Completely dielectric radio-frequency antennas on the basis of nanophotonics WGM resonators
D. F. Zaitsev
The principle of work is described and the brief review and the analysis of the basic characteristics of radio-frequency antennas of new type on the basis of analog nanophotonic - completely dielectric antennas with WGM resonators is given.
Advantages of such antennas is high bandwind, raised of immunity to Jammer and electromagnetic interference (EMI) and small RCS (radar cross section), and also small dimensions and midget metal consumption.
Such aerials have a more potential of improvement of characteristics and can be applied as reception aerials in a wide range tensity a radio-frequency electromagnetic field, including to measurement of characteristics of radiation the high power AESA.
Pages: 46-51
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