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Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features of Aperture Antenna Transient Fields
in Near-Field Measurements
A. A. Artemenko, S.P. Skulkin
It is shown, that the aperture antenna impulse time response of near-field measurements can be split on two parts. The first front of the impulse response defines true far-field antenna pattern, while the back front of the impulse response is defined by the multiplier of orientation of an aperture element, aperture sizes and form and coordinates of an observation point. In far field reconstruction back front of the measured near-field impulse response leads to distortion of ideal antenna pattern.
The drawn conclusion about separation of the fronts of the time responses in a near zone on two parts allows to efficiently recon-struct the far-field antenna pattern using only short initial part of the time responses in a near zone that has great practical value since allows to reduce distances to surrounding objects up to several wavelengths during measurements by means of short impulses. In this case these «stirring» undesirable responses from surrounding objects will not distort the reconstructed far-field antenna pattern.
Pages: 18-26
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