350 rub

Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Input Impedance of Arc Dipole Antenna
integro-differential equation
hypersingular equation
arc dipole antennas
chebyshev polynomial
meixner conditions
numerical method
method by Galerkin
convergence by solution
A. V. Sochilin, I. S. Eminov, S. I. Eminov
The electrodynamic analysis of arc dipole antenna is based on the solution two-dimensional integro-differential equation. The two-dimensional equation is transformed to one-dimensional hyper-singular equation by means of separation of logarithmic sin-gularity.
The solution of hyper-singular equation is looked for seek with the help of expansion in series by the Chebyshev polynomial-s of second kind with the coefficient which realize Meixner condition-s on a edge.
The matrix elements are presented like double ore triple integrals. The problem of calculation of matrix elements is solved.
The computer-based program is worked up and the numerical calculation is realized.
The convergence of numerical analytic method is investigated. The investigations of dependence from the antennas parameters are kept.
Pages: 15-17
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