350 rub
Journal Antennas №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Quasioptimal Control of the Antenna Array in the Conditions of Failure of Units
P. N. Bashly, Y. A. Kuznetsov, A. Y. Larin
In the article the method of synthesis of an antenna array with the complex control is offered, allowing to consider a current state of units of an antenna array and to minimize influence of unworkable units on qualitative performances of an antenna array. Solution of the task of synthesis is viewed with reference to faults of two types: complete failure i.e. when the unit is inactive also partial failure when the unit is active, but value of a complex weight factor differs from a set value. At implementation of the given method faulty emitters are integrated in group for which the common complex current is introduced. Values of complex amplitudes of currents of faulty units are thus considered. Results of numerical modeling have confirmed efficiency of the offered method. So, in a malfunction of two units the signal-to-interference+noise ratio the antenna array, at effect on it spatially the distributed interference, worsens on 48 dB. Application of the offered method of synthesis practically completely cancels deterioration of the signal-to-interference+noise ratio at effect of the same interference.
Pages: 9-14
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