350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Optoelectronic devices for phased-array signal forming based on periodic structures
N. M. Ushakov, R. V. Bykov
At construction of feeding superbroadband antenna systems new of construction principles for signal forming devices can be demanded. In the work, a new optomicrowave devices intented for superbroadband signal summation and delay and based on periodic planar delay-line structures are offered. It-s structures represent microstrip periodic transmission lines which elements consist of high-speed photodetectors and elements of the microwave integrated circuits. It is shown that such devices are capable to provide a variable delay of radio signals from 0,1 to hundreds nanoseconds over the frequency band of 20 GHz and above and phase shift on one element of phased-array from 0 to 360 degrees.
Pages: 21-26
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