350 rub
Journal Antennas №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The formation of radiation-s field by single modes optical waveguide at its excitation by field with difficult peak-phase spatial distribution
formations of radiation fields
transformation of difficult peak-phase spatial structure of a field
Gaussian field
the converter on a single modes waveguide
a prize in capacity
V. F. Dubrovin
Results of formation field-s process research at radiation by single modes waveguides in an optical wave band are presented.
Experimental researches of radiation fields of optical wave guides have shown, that at excitation single modes waveguides a field with difficult peak-phase spatial distribution (for example, multimode radiators) the field of radiation formed by them represents «bunch» with rather close to Gaussian field. Thereby there is a transformation of difficult peak-phase distribution of a field in Gaussian field. Not trivial that fact, that the efficiency of transformation defined as the relation of capacity of the basic fashion of a single modes waveguide on its exit to capacity of the basic fashion of an exciting source thus is (i.e. on an input a single modes waveguide), can reach 5,4.
The found out effect of transformation opens possibility of formation of «bunch» of powerful coherent radiation on the basis of several radiators of small capacity.
Though the presented results are received in an optical range, they can be realized in other ranges, for example, on dielectric wave guides in VHF range. It is represented also, that the effect described in work with success can be used in the systems created on a basis of nanotechnology.
Pages: 83-87
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