350 rub
Journal Antennas №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
New View on Receive Antenna Theory
V. A. Kashin
In number of monographs dedicated to the antenna theory and technique transmit and receive antenna patterns identity is proved using electric circuit theory and about the receive antenna pattern one judges considering angular dependence of electric current induced in the antenna load. But the current induced in the antenna load is the secondary phenomena in relation to the electromagnetic wave propagating in the feedline from the antenna to the load. In the present article alternative way of proof of transmit and receive antenna patterns identity is proposed, without use of electric circuit theory, on the base of electrodynamic wave processes. In this case the receive pattern is identified with the angular dependence of wave amplitude excited in the receive feedline by the external, in relation to the antenna, radiation source while changing its position on the sphere of large radius. The proposed way of proof is based on special choice of the integration volume and its boundary surfaces when using Lorenz lemma.
Pages: 48-52
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