350 rub
Journal Antennas №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Method of the antennas aggravation coefficient measurement realization at the real conditions
V.V. Beliaev, A.V. Lenshin, T.S. Yshzahov
Method of the antennas aggravation coefficient measurement realization for a meter and decimeter range at the real conditions was offered. This method provides reduction of the mistake constituent, which connected with the mirroring influence of the laying surface; cause of choice such scheme for interconversion arrangement researching and measuring antennas which directed the multiplier interference of slackening to sense «1». Senses of the aggravation coefficient for wideband benchmarking measuring antenna П6-33А (type «wave canal») on the frequencies 130 MHz, 310 MHz, 600 MHz and 960 MHz was experimental valued on the radio measuring shielded complexes at the real conditions. Deviation of the measured senses for benchmarking antennas aggravation coefficient from senses, which was determined by the graduated diagram, not exceeded sense «1,5» dB. The article includes 1 drawing and references to 4 sources of information.
Pages: 30-32
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