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Journal Antennas №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of Frequency Dependence of Input Reflection Coefficient of Open-Ended Rectangular Waveguide
I. A. Illarionov
Antenna as open-ended rectangular waveguide is widely used as probe in near-field measurements on microwave frequency. For correction of results of antennas measurements in near field region it is necessary to know radiation pattern, gain and input reflection coefficient of probe. The rigorous electrodynamics model of radiation of open-ended rectangular waveguide is absent. In practice approximate models or results of measurements of mentioned characteristics are used. The problem of calculation of frequency dependence of input reflection coefficient of open-ended rectangular waveguide with method of mode matching has been solved. The method of mode matching has been used to structure of screened rectangular waveguide. Leading in structure the complementary screened rectangular waveguide allows to use the simple in algorithmization numerical method. The developed earlier semi-empirical model of radiation of open-ended rectangular waveguide which is located near conducting disc (flange) with results of present paper produce the closed theoretical model of radiation of open-ended rectangular waveguide with re-moved flange
Pages: 49-56
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