350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Influence Research Hindrances Similar to a Signal on Bearing Characteristics of Monopulse System
A. V. Lenshin, V. P. Sidorchuk
Creation hindrances similar to a signal, promotes creation of two effects: misinformations promoting to acceptance of incorrect decisions and overloads of a subsystem of processing of the information. The phase totally-difference monopulse system, capable to counteract noise protecting hindrances and imitating hindrances withdrawing on speed and range is investigated. Dependences for total and difference a signal are resulted at totally-difference processing on an input total and difference channels and expression for calculation bearing characteristics.
Results of mathematical modelling bearing characteristics phase totally-difference measuring instruments of angular co-ordinates tak-ing into account normal work of monopulse system are resulted and at influence on it hindrances similar to a signal. The formation variant hindrances similar to a signal is offered.
The article includes 2 drawings and references to 5 sources of information.
Pages: 67-70
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