350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Features of Modelling of Radiodirection Finders in three-Dimensional Area
M. L. Artemov, A. D. Korobova, E. A. Chromych
Application of the method of modelling of electromagnetic conditions offered earlier by authors in groupings of radio-electronic means in three-dimensional space is considered{examined} in view of characteristics of modern direction finders. In clause the method definition of an operative range of a direction finder taking into account change of characteristics of the reception aerial and sensitivity of the receiver a wide strip of frequencies with the help of three-dimensional virtual structures of TRAP and TEMS is offered. Including the direction finder with application of broadband aerials of Vivaldi and panoramic receivers with factor of overlapping on frequency ~ 10 is considered. The method is based on mathematical modelling. Packages of electrodynamic modelling of diagrams of orientations of aerials and computer mathematics (MATHCAD) are used. The method provides high presentation of modelling of concrete parameters of a radiodirection finder in a wide strip of frequencies. Job contains 11 figures and 10 bibliographic sources of the information.
Pages: 4-12
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