350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Experimental Estimation of Capabilities of a HF Single-Position Direction Finding Post, Provided with Vertical and Horizontal Ionospheric Sounding Data
V. A. Izyumov, I. V. Krashenninnikov, A. N. Razhev, V. N. Skobelkin
A complicated structure of propagation medium as well as continuous changes in ionospheric plasma parameters exert great influence on both HF-waves propagation and insertion of errors in the direction or position finding. As it is known, under the condition of multimode propagation of signal, real mean-square estimation of these errors can be obtained experimentally only. In connection with that, boah a methodic of controllable experiment allowing of obtaining necessary data as single- and multimode signal array it the receiving point, and design schemes of hard and software components of a multichannel HF single-position direction finding post are examined. Furthermore, there were represented both the results of experimental determination of angular parameters of a received signal (azimuth and tilt angle), and the distance calculated on application of HF single-position direction finding, provided with vertical and horizontas ionospheric sounding data used for correction of a basic ionospheric model. During the analysis of experimental data for both single- and multimode signal propagation, there were revealed a number of factors, having influence on values of inserted errors, what enables to minimize them
Pages: 76-88
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