350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Features of Bearing of Target Under Conditions of Simulative Interference Along Side Lobes of Directional Pattern of Antenna
S. P. Barinov
Object of research - radar with the phased array andmonopulse meter of angular coordinates of targets. The purpose of job is the research of efficiency of functioning radar under conditions of simulative interference along side lobes of di-rectional pattern of antenna, in view of an opportunity angular strobbing of marks in the receiver of station. As a parameter of efficiency of functioning radar the probability of transfer of a mark of the targets on secondary processing is chosen which is determined as product of probability of detection of a mark of the targets on probability of its selection in monopulse meter of angular coordinates. Thus the probability of selection represents probability of the event consisting in not excess by a measured angular deviation of a mark from equisignal of a direction monopulse direction finder of radar of a given threshold. The technique of account of probability of transfer of a mark of the targets on secondary processing is developed, in which basis the mathematical model monopulse meter of angular coordinates of targets is developed at presence of several independent sources of signals. For a case of creation of simulative interference along side lobes of directional pattern of antenna a new analytical ratio allowing to expect average probability of transfer of a true mark on secondary processing as function of size of a threshold selection and the relation of capacities of a simulative interference and a signal. With use of a method of mathematical modeling the accounts are carried out and is shown, that the simulative interference created along side lobes of directional pattern of antenna, at imposing on a mark of the targets render essential influence on formation of true trajectories, the probability of which outset can be reduced up to a level less than 0,1at the relation of capacity of a simulative interfe-rence to capacity of a signal more than 104 and threshold of selection 0,5 - 1. The article includes 2 drawings and references to 7 sources of the information
Pages: 65-69
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