350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Statistical Characteristics of Tracking of a Radiation Source by a Monopulse Direction Finder with an Antenna Arrays in its Channels Directivity Diagram-s Side Lobes
V. I. Karpuhin, S. V. Kozlov, V. I. Sergeev
With use of mathematical model of tracking monopulse sum-and-difference direction finder on the basis of the antenna array considering errors of peak-phase distribution on its aperture, existence is established and characteristics of steady tracking directions of radiation sources in the directivity diagram-s side lobes are defined.
It is shown that the number of steady tracking directions at typical errors of peak-phase distribution will make 15 - 20, the look-direction characteristic-s steepness in the area of steady tracking directions is decreasing function of peak and phase errors and makes 0,7-0,8 from the look-direction characteristic-s steepness in the main lobe-s area, and time of drift of system to it are received.
The received results can be used at the analysis of functioning of tracking systems on angular co-ordinates on the basis of antenna arrays in the conditions of powerful radiations sources in directivity diagram-s side lobes influence and at forecasting of behaviour of the specified systems in the conditions of difficult radio-electronic conditions.
In the manuscript 6 pages of the text, 4 drawings and 6 references to information sources contain
Pages: 61-64
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