350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms and Performances of Accuracy of Amplitude Taking a Bearing
V. A. Kozmin, V. A. Ufaev
Synthesis of algorithms of discovery - taking a bearing with application of semi-directional aerials is executed. Formulas of calculation of a lapse, outcomes of simulation are adduced. Required signal-to-noise ratios and a level of overlap of directional diagrams of adjacent antenna elements are determined. It is installed, that at rejection of the form of the directional diagram from a cardioid the isotropy of taking a bearing is lost. The anisotropy weakens at increase of quantity of antennas, the bearing error is simultaneously reduced. There is a marginal level of overlap of directional diagrams of adjacent antenna elements, equal approximately 0.5, is lower which there are the abnormal bearing errors. The mean level of a bearing error of antenna systems with small in comparison from a long wave sizes corresponds limiting for antennas with cardioid directional diagrams. The necessary output signal-to-noise ratio for security of a lapse of 5 degrees in systems of the minimal structure makes not less than 20. The article contains 7 figures, a list of the literature from 4 sources.
Pages: 55-60
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