350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of Figure and Frequencies of Radiations of Batch Plant by Results of Panoramic Taking a Bearing
V. A. Ufaev
On the basis of adaptive Bayesian approach the algorithm of an estimation of figure and frequencies of radiations of batch plant with a known location by results of panoramic taking a bearing is synthesized. The algorithm powers up definition of a difference of the penal function and quadrate of a deviation of a bearing from a direction on plant. The penal function linearly will increase with growth about analyzed model. The algorithm is equivalent to alternative of selection of radiations with a strobe of selection, defined first meaning of the penal function. Analytical ratio for an estimation of efficiency are reduced. In the field of rated values of bearing errors and parameters of systems of machining the probability of the dropout of plant makes less than 10-3, an average signed number of correctly definite frequencies close to 1, average of streams is false discovered radiations and false defined frequencies makes 2-6 % from figure of inspected frequencies. The paper contains 6 figures, the list of the literature from 4 sources
Pages: 49-54
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