350 rub

Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Algorithms and Effectiveness of a Detection - Estimation of Frequency of Plant by Results of Panoramic Taking a Bearing
panoramic taking a bearing
plant with a known location
frequency of plant
two and single systems
V. A. Ufaev
Algorithms of detection and rating of frequency of plant with a known location by results of panoramic taking a bearing are synthesised. The formulas calculating efficiency. Simulation for the random script of a source distribution of emanation under the circular law defines the limiting possibilities. It is installed, that in single systems for security of probability of the exact determining frequency 0,7 at a medial squared error of taking a bearing equal 3 degrees figure of inspected frequencies on which there are emanation, cannot exceed 30. In two-stage systems for 100 frequencies this probability will increase up to 0.8. Smoothing of effectiveness of two and single systems is attained at a diminution of a bearing error last in 5 times. The paper maintains 6 patterns, the list of the literature from 2 sources.
Pages: 44-48
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