350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Dispersion of Direction Finding Broadband Signals on Mono-Pulse Measurements by Arrays of Bee-Cone Vibrators
S. N. Razin-kov, O. E. Popova
On the basis of the numerical decision of a non-stationary electro-dynamic problem of spatial-asymmetric excitation of a ring array of bee-cone vibrators the foreign electric field determines its instant diagrams of an orientation and power factor of the directed action in a range of frequencies. Results are received with use of the device of Fredgolm integrated equations of the first sort with existential differential operators of the second order concerning longitudinal and azimuthal making density of superficial currents antenna elements. The equations are generated under initial and boundary conditions of excitation of a lattice. The method of decomposition of currents and falling field was applied to their decision in complex numbers Foure on azimuthal angular coordinates, harmonics of currents are found as sequences of part-constant functions with the weight factors satisfying an initial regional problem in units of an existential grid with rectangular cells.
Are appreciated dispersion of mono-pulse direction finding broadband radio signals with rectangular and gauss bending around on mono-pulse measurements of amplitudes in channels of reception. It is shown, that accuracy of definition of a direction grows by a radiator with increase in the attitude of energy of an accepted signal to density of capacity of noise, and also with increase of power factor of the directed action and value of integral from a square of a steepness of the instant diagram of an orientation the aerial of system. Dependences of dispersion of direction finding from a kind and parameters of accepted wave processes are revealed and investigated.
Pages: 22-27
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