350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Statistical Syntheses Radiating Aperture of the Blade Active Phased Antenna Aerial
A. S. Artyukh, A. V. Lenshin, Yu. I. Maevskiy
It is designed three stage procedure of the statistical syntheses radiating aperture blade active phased antenna aerial with nonlinear-diffraction by phasing, havinging features to directivities, changing in given limit with provision for speakers of the blades of the carryinging screw helicopter in flight. The broughted results of the syntheses radiating aperture and modeling of the givenned diagram to directivities. The procedure of the statistical syntheses consists of three stages: rough initial searching for of the extremum functional unbalances, revision got result in local area, check to fitness got radiating aperture blade active phased antenna aerial on level of the lateral radiation with provision for speakers of the blades of the carryinging screw helicopter. Happen to the results of the calculation radiating aperture, intended for monoblade active phased antenna aerial helicopters of the radar system when use 40 and 60 reception-transfer modules. Synthesized necessary features of the diagram to directivities radiating aperture for worker of the lengths of the waves 6 cm and 10 cm. The article includes 5 drawings and references to 7 sources of the information
Pages: 4-8
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