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Journal Antennas №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Features of Program Realization of Combining Method of Surface Scatterers Electrodynamics Analysis
M.A. Buzova, A.P. Trofimov
In the chapter a lot of problems concerning to program implementation of the combined method for electrodynamic analysis of extended surface scatterers is considered. On a view of the authors, the requirements in the computing operational resources for solution of the electrodynamic tasks grow much faster, than possibility of computer technology. Therefore actual for today is usage of electrodynamic methods joining on the uniform ideological fundamentals precise in the initial setting and asymptotic methods. For today there are a lot of such methods; in the given work with reference to the analysis of extended surface scatterers the method is offered on the basis of combination of methods of integral equations concerning surface currents and physical optics. The essence of an offered method is rather simple. At first task is decided by a method of physical optics, and a current directed on a surface is defined. Then the same task is decided by a method of an integral equation, but the current is defined on not all surfaces, and only on it-s that part, where the asymptotic method gives the greatest error: on edges of the scatterer and near to point of suspension of an antenna. Due to such combination the given method allows essentially to spare computing expenditures as contrasted to by method of an integral equation with saving of accuracy the calculations. At availability in a structure of the analyzed object the wire units the system of equations obtained as a result of usage the an combined method is supplemented by appropriate one-dimensional integral equations for line currents of these units, for example, Fredholm equations of the first or second kind. To the relevant problems at implementation of the reviewed method, on a view of the authors, concern: ? check the condition of shadowing a surface; - choice the unit of splitting of scatterers; ? choice of base of decomposition of the current function; - way integration of features. As if to a practical significance to apply the reviewed approach, he is claimed for the analysis of composite antenna complexes switching the antennas of radio electronic devices of different ranges and arranged in objects, which one represent composite in sense of the space forms and electrically extended electrodynemic systems. To such objects it is possible, in particular to refer space crafts equipped with on-board complexes of radio electronic resources, using much distinguishing operating frequencies in limits UHF, SHF and even of EHF bands. In chapter some calculation results, and also their comparison with published results of other authors are given
Pages: 43-46
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