350 rub

Journal Antennas №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Variants to Design the Low-Profile VHF and UHF Antennas
band properties
voltage standing-wave ratio
low-profile antenna
loop dipole
resonant frequency
matching device
mobile communication system
A.N. Kapishev, I.A. Koloyarov, A.D. Krasilnikov
The paper is dedicated to results of research on design technologic and inexpensive low-profile antennas permitting to lower their overall size and weight as well to improve exterior and reliability.
Precipitant development and miniaturization of means of mobile communication, radio broadcasting and television and also of non-stationary radio communication systems of all kinds per the last years have lead to toughening of size requirements for terminal station antennas and their transmission bands.
In this work a brief review of most used low-profile antenna types is given.
Results of electrodynamic and experimental modeling for modernized low-profile DIFA antenna in a non-stationary implementation and for low-profile panel television antenna of the decimeter range are viewed.
A possibility of DIFA antenna-s size decreasing by 10 % without its performance degradation displayed.
Authors researched a low-profile television transmitter of a 470-790 MHz range. In context of conducted research different variants of vibrators and plans of balancing and matching were viewed. In result of research it was revealed that in the part of a base antenna element a variant based on Pistohlkors half-wave dipole approximated to aperiodic reflector is most suitable. The supplementary measures on improvement of the natural matching of the vibrator with application of reactive loads and additional re-circulation vibrator were attempted, that has allowed to improve the matching substantially.
It is possible to assemble antennas for a digital or analog TV broadcasting from such low-profile modules to install them on any bearings including unadapted places and not specialized support structures (building, facilities etc.), ensuring a radiation pattern of the required shape for a warranted coverage of a service area of circular or any other shape
Pages: 21-25
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