350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Complex Resonance as the Fragment of the Theory of the Connected Fluctuations in the Radio Engineering
V. A. Malakhov, A. S. Raevsky, I. P. Ryazantseva
In article from a position of the theory of the connected fluctuations the phenomenon of a complex resonance in a piece of circular two-layer shielded waveguide is considered. For a complex resonance that it exists in all frequency range of complex waves, its creating is characteristic. In this connection the problem of measurement of its quality factor cannot be solved in the traditional ways developed for a usual resonance. Resonant sign of the phenomenon arising in considered structure in a range of complex waves, the fact of increase of amplitude of a signal serves at inclusion of this structure «on pass». It is possible to say about increase in the specified range of frequencies of the reserved energy that allows to enter concept of quality factor of the power formulation and to calculate it by a usual technique. The problem of measurement of good quality of a complex resonance dares with use of two methods. The first is based on comparison values of reserved energies of two resonances: reference for which quality factor is known and investigated - complex - in the same system. Measurements are made on a piece of circular two-layer shielded waveguide, but short-circuited on the ends, on the greatest possible close frequencies at identical level of the capacity submitted on the exciting device, at identical communication with the perceiving device. The second method is based on comparison of two resonances reference and complex, in it indirectly considered as reserved in that and other case of energy, and energy of losses. The usual resonance was raised in the waveguide short-circuited on the ends, complex - at the coordination on the ends. It is shown that the found size of quality factor remains in wide enough range.
Pages: 68-75
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