350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Small-Sized Dipole Antennas with Reactive Loads for Space Vehicles
A. L. Makarov, V. V. Ovsyanikov, A. L. Ol-shevsky, V. M. Popel?, Y. D. Romanenko, V. V. Safonov
Results of researches of the electrically small wire antennas (ESWA) which there are sizes less than resonant are resulted. Possibilities of improvement of characteristics of similar antennas by inclusion of the concentrated reactive element (inductance) in an aerial design are investigated. Frequency characteristics of active and reactive parts of input impedance, traveling wave ratio (TWR) and antenna efficiency, and also dependences of input impedance versus inductances and places of their inclusion are defined. The hype sensibility of characteristics to fluctuations of parameter of its design is noted. The technique of a quantitative estimation of influence of these fluctuations on TWR roof-mean-square deviation is stated.
Pages: 46-53
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