350 rub
Journal Antennas №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Statistics of Antenna Array-s Field with Fluctuating Polarization
L. G. Kornienko
In the article directed and polarization qualities of the array field are examined if there are random phase errors in biorthogonal emitter-s excitation channels and in the currents of orthogonal vibrators of emitters. The research is conducted by the methods of partially coherent waves - theory on the base of coherence matrix elements analysis that contained orthogonal field-s components of mean intensity and their complex-conjugate initial second moments. It is assumed that phase errors have normality, are independent on the first (in orthogonal currents) and second (in emitters system) levels, uncorrelated from emitter to emitter and interconnected in orthogonal vibrators. General relations for medium power directional diagram (DD), polarization degree of emitting waves DD and polarization characteris-tics of total polarized wave components are received and analyzed. Calculations are conducted for uniform cophased array of circular polarization. Specifics of influence on directed and polarized characteristics of antenna of first and second levels phase errors are revealed. Correlated errors of the first level and uncorrelated errors of the second level evenly deform medium DD. Phase errors of the first level prevalently influence on polarized characteristics and the degree of this influence on the characteristics substantially depends on both dispersion and correlation coefficient of these errors. Under their weak correlation the degree of polarization and emitted wave ellipticity coefficient substantially depend on angular coordinates, a number of emitters, array spacing and, in general, polarized field characteristics for array can differ distinctly with errors and without. Received results allow to evaluate distortions of directed and polarized antenna characteristics with elliptical polarization and to raise a demand to accuracy of array elements - phasing. The article contains 25 pages, 9 illustrations, 11 literature sources
Pages: 11-22
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