350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Synthesis of Amplitude-Phase Distribution for Arbitrary Outline Antenna Array
V. A. Voloshin, D. D. Gabrialyan, O. V. Ovodov
The results of investigations of synthesis of amplitude-phase distribution on given pattern for arbitrary outline antenna array are given. The amplitude of electrical currents in the aperture of antenna array and mean-square error of given and synthesized pattern are presented in the paper. Designing the antenna for perspective multifunctional radio-electronic complexes is connected to necessary to synthesize amplitude-phase distribution in arbitrary outline antenna for given pattern. The well-known correlations between parameters of amplitude-phase distribution in rectangular aperture and parameters of pattern are inapplicable in this case. It is supposed to solve overdetermined system of equations to find amplitude-phase distribution in arbitrary outline antenna on given pattern. This system is formed on basis of conditions of coinciding with given and synthesizing patterns. The given pattern is deter-mined with rectangular aperture in which amplitude-phase distribution is selected on requirements to given pattern. The results of investigations indicate that derivable amplitudes of currents of synthesized amplitude-phase distribution in rectangular aperture is the near to usage amplitude distribution and phase distribution is linear coinciding with prescribed phase distribution using to form given pattern. The amplitudes of currents of radiators which are outside the bounds of rectangular aperture are too much less. It is possible to use this circumstance to develop arbitrary outline antenna array. In addition to it is possible to reduce amount of radiators.
Pages: 44-47
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