350 rub
Journal Antennas №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Antenna with Reject Pattern
M. A. Pykhova, T. A. Gainutdinov
The problem of electromagnetic compatibility of fixed system wireless broadband access and radio-relay line is appeared according to the difficult electromagnetic condition in the frequency band of 2,025 - 2,5 GHz. Omnipattern antennas in horizontal plane and radio relay with narrow angle extension are used In the capacity of base stations antennas of wireless broadband access. Antennas with omnipattern are implemented on the basis of collinear antennas array. The use of electromagnetic shields which located nearly base stations antennas was considered for interference exception between antennas base station with wide pattern in horizontal plane and antenna of radio relay with narrow sector. The main criterias of effectiveness of suppression radiation were used for numerical evaluation application of shield. The criteria depends on system importantance of broadband access. Two types of shield construction of antenna with pattern in horizontal plane were used for realization of necessary suppression. The cases of radiation suppression of vertical electrical half wave vibrator were considered using rectangular metallic shield with slot and annular shield. The optimal protective shield location and shape hole in it for getting required pattern was found using the criteria of maximization of inside cross coupling. The method of computational solution for diffraction electromagnetic wave on open-loop surface is used for as a solution for shield effect on radiation of initial antenna. The main pattern-s parameters for foregoing types of vibrator and shield system were obtained for frequency of 2,4 GHz. The calculation of radiation suppression in the required frequency band was made and the most successeful sub-band with point of antenna-s suppression criterion was found for system of half wave vibrator and annular shield.
Pages: 51-56
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