350 rub

Journal Antennas №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Statistical Equivalents of the Radar's Amplitude Sum-and-Difference Look-Direction Meters in the Condition of Influence of Gauss and Totality of Coherent Signals with Random Initial Phase and Constant Amplitude Radio Signals Combination
S. V. Kozlov
Тhe expressions for mathematical expectation, variance and area value in which with desired probability are the results of metering for radar's amplitude sum-and-difference look-direction meters with inertia and instant normalizations in the condition of influence of gauss and totality of coherent signals with random initial phase and constant amplitude is give. Are showed that the result of metering submit the weight sum of look-direction results of totality of coherent source in the absent of noncoherent and look-direction noncoherent source in the absent of coherent. For look-direction meter with instant normalizations the simplified method of value area estimation in which with desired probability are the results of metering based on used of result's correlation matrix of coherent and noncoherent source and the approximation coefficients is offer.
The results are being used upon estimation of quality of monopulse meter operation and in the mathematical simulation of radio engineering systems that containing specified vehicles.
The article includes 13 pages, 3 drawings and references to 5 information sources.
Pages: 20-26
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