350 rub

Journal Antennas №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Antenna Characteristics of Luneberg-s Lens
B.A. Panchenko, Е.V. Lebedeva
Antenna characteristics of Luneberg-s lens are investigated. The multishell model of a lens consisting of six dielectric shells is considered. The purpose of this research is to compare two types of lens profile approximation. The method of the solution is based on use of dyadic Green's functions. Numerical results for patterns of radiation, directivity, operating coefficient of a surface and level of cross-polarizing components of a field for various radiuses of a lens are received. In addition, influence of position of an irradiator on antenna characteristics of lens is considered. It is demonstrated, that two types of approximation give close result.
Pages: 5-9
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