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Journal Antennas №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of Control and Management of a Condition Complex Technical System
V. I. Pavlov, T. V. Belova
The complex technical system is multielement and contains, as a rule, duplication and reservation subsystems. Accident of parameters makes essential impact on managerial processes, stability, accuracy and reliability. Changes of conditions of system are presented by absorption and restoration functions in which intensity of transitions are defined from experience, and on occasion - theoretically. Statement of a problem of management by the system condition which monitoring system besides measuring instruments has a set of indicators of accompanying signs is carried out. Models of functioning of measuring instruments and indicators of accompanying signs, and also algorithm of calculation of probability of each possible condition of system are resulted. The conclusion is drawn about influence on stability, accuracy and speed of algorithm of control and managements of a system condition accurate and dynamic characteristics of measuring instruments.
Pages: 65-67
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