350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Modelling of an Element Transferring RPAM a Short-Wave Range
A. N. Sysoev
The element choice plays a key role in construction of all RPAM for a mobile communication system. Vertically located asymmetrical aerial is most simply realised. Scientific and engineering problems are a choice of its such design that it had the least dependence of entrance resistance on frequency (was band) and met the requirements of mobility (time and technology of expansion), abilities to maintain mechanical and wind loadings. For the analysis of characteristics and parametres of each type of vibrators it is necessary to execute their calculation by mathematical modelling. The strict problem in electrodynamic statement should consider topology of the wires forming the aerial, and also position of entrance plugs of a source of excitation. On the basis of it, calculation of entrance resistance of the aerial as functions from frequency, it should be spent taking into account mutual resistance of the wires raised inphase. The electrodynamic model of the multiwire aerial is based on the decision of the integrated equations and a method induced EMP. She allows to define distribution of currents on wires and entrance resistance of all aerial taking into account geometry of wires and their mutual influence. Using a principle of electrodynamic similarity, natural experiment on measurement of an entrance impedance of a breadboard model in a range (18-150) MHz has been made. Experiment was spent with use 4 counterbalances on a real terrestrial surface with application of a measuring instrument of complex factors of transfer «Оbzor-103».
Pages: 45-49
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