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Journal Antennas №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Features of coordination RPAM at management OD
A. F. Kharin, A. B. Besedin, A. N. Sysoev
For adjustment of the feeding path conducting to each radiator, change of parametres, as phase shifter (PS), and device coordination (DC) is required. Interaction of these devices, in the course of functioning RPAM, represents a complex of scientific and technical problems as fine tuning согласующих devices reduces mutual influence of radiators, but simultaneously changes a phasing mode. Thereof, application of independent automatic control for each of these devices, leads to their continuous cyclic reorganisation. Therefore there is a necessity for working out of algorithm of optimum control by adjustment process согласующих devices and adjustment of phases of signals.
The most comprehensible algorithm of joint adjustment of the given devices is program - сalculation method which consists in predesign and the subsequent adjustment of parametres of the DC and PS each channel. Thus it is necessary in final value of a phase of a current in a radiator to consider phase shift of a wave in the DS.
DS parametres should be defined for each working frequency and direction OD. For optimisation of the given algorithm of management it is necessary to estimate limits of change of parametres of these devices at intermediate scanning OD.
Impedances of radiators considerably differ from each other at the expense of brought resistance. Besides, there is their change at various deviation OD. But change of impedances of radiators substantially similar for next directions OD (0º и 5º); (15º and 25º). It gives the chance to co-ordinate next intermediate scanning in average.
Pages: 33-37
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