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Journal Antennas №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Features of Functioning Transferring RPAM in Mode Pseudo-Casual Reorganisation of Working Frequency
the ring phased antenna lattice
the phase shifter
device coordination
pseudo-casual reorganisation of working frequency
A. F. Kharin, A. B. Besedin, A. N. Sysoev
Use pseudo-casual reorganisation of working frequency in radio stations at which as a transferring scanner, apply КФАР, demands or high speed of the switchboards which are a part phasing and device coordination (DC), or demanded широкополосности the last. The second condition is more preferable as the resource of reliability of switchboards thus is not spent.
Researches of frequency properties RPAM are based on definition of a range of frequencies in which limits the direction of main petal OD does not change and DC reorganisation is not required. As management OD is realised by discrete phase shifters (PS) the first condition corresponds to a range of frequencies which does not lead to change of a phase with an exit for limits of the least phase races in 22,5º.
Character of change both active, and jet components of an impedance of radiators is smooth. Limits of change for each element are insignificant. It allows to assume, that parametres согласующих the devices entering into a path of a food of each element also will essentially not differ. In this case parametres channel согласующих devices within the chosen range have been calculated. As the DC return has been chosen G - a contour, with discretely switched coils of inductance and condensers.
Character of dependence of inductance in each channel will be a miscellaneous. In the first and seventh channels there is an increase in value of inductance necessary for DC adjustment for frequencies above 20,5 MHz. Capacities of condensers of adjustment of the DC change slightly.
Pages: 30-32
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