350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical Model Transferring RPAM
A. N. Sysoev
The electrodynamic problem of definition of characteristics and parametres real RPAM can be described the adequate mathematical model corresponding to its physical properties. The general statement of a problem is reduced to an establishment of quantitative communication between the reason (spatial and quantitative distribution of currents) and effect (an electromagnetic field in a distant zone). Thus depending on the purpose of researches, is subject to the decision or a direct problem (analysis), or - return (synthesis). Construction of electrodynamic model RPAM is expedient for breaking into a number of stages. At the first stage physical principles of the description of an electrodynamic problem, representation by its integrated operator are established. At the second stage specification of elements of model RPAM and transformation of electrodynamic model to algorithms by means of various methods of calculus mathematics is made. At a following stage calculations are carried out, and the estimation of their reliability is carried out. Distinctive feature of developed mathematical model RPAM is complexity of its structure. Therefore it is subject to splitting into a number of parts (separate modules), each of which can be considered as separately, and in structure RPAM. At creation, working off and use of the given modules it is expedient to lean against the specialised software products applied to mathematical calculations, and programs aerials. Thus in model it is necessary to provide delivery of data in a kind as much as possible approached to the design documentation that accelerates process of working out RPAM.
Pages: 28-29
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