350 rub
Journal Antennas №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Reduction Adjustment Time of Digital Automatic Matching Devices By Means of a Computing Method
A. B. Besedin, S. V. Dubrovin, A. P. Koryakin
Reduction adjustment time of digital automatic matching devices (MD) may be achieve by means of a computing method, i.e. by means measurement parameters of load (antenna), calculation on them demanded values of regulators for MD and their simultaneous turning on. Expediently to measure a phase and the module of complex reflection coefficient on its input and on them to calculate demanded values of a long line and capacity. Formulas are deduced in articles allows to define normalized values of conductivity, entrance capacity and electric length of a line for the given MD, Errors of installation of conductivity, entrance capacity and long line And also formulas which allow to count correction of errors.
Pages: 19-22
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